Joseph Gilbert Design
“We Stand United” | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
“We Stand United” | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
“Poet at the Waters Edge” | creative direction + design + sculpture + writing + hand lettering
“Poet at the Waters Edge” | creative direction + design + sculpture + writing + hand lettering
“Poet at the Waters Edge” | creative direction + design + sculpture + writing + hand lettering
ZTE USA | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
ZTE USA | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
“Drawing the Perfect Circle” | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration + writing
“Drawing the Perfect Circle” | conceptual development + creative direction + art direction + design + illustration + writing
The Art Reserve | branding + creative direction + design
“Monkey” | conceptual development + creative direction + illustration
“Monkey” | conceptual development + creative direction + illustration
Cade Martin Photography | creative direction + design + animation + interactive book development
The Journeyman | direction + concept/ story by + art direction + design + illustration
Cade Martin – “Faces of Cuba”  | creative direction + art direction + music direction + animation
Cade Martin + Lluminaire Salon | animation + motion direction + design concept
Shawn Michienzi “Street Corners” | creative direction + design + press supervision
Shawn Michienzi “Street Corners” | creative direction + design + press supervision
Laundry Loft | branding +creative direction + art direction + design
CEEM | creative direction + art direction + design + illustration + animation
Heather Elder Represents  | creative direction + design + web development + animation
Herb Ritts Foundation | creative direction + design
“My Hotel Room” | creative direction + design + writing + press supervision
“My Hotel Room” | creative direction + design + writing + press supervision
Brooke Burke Body | branding + creative direction + art direction + design
Brooke Burke Body | branding + creative direction + art direction + design
Mark Leibowitz Photography | creative direction + design
Cade Martin + The Hotel Chelsea | creative direction + design + animation
Richard Gere Foundation | creative direction + design + press supervision
Richard Gere Foundation | creative direction + design + press supervision
JXE Agency | creative direction + art direction + design
JXE Agency | creative direction + art direction + design
American Illustration + American Photography | creative direction + art direction + design + ebook development
Amplifier Campaign | creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
Amplifier Campaign | creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
Proof  | creative direction + design + web development + 360˚ immersive VR
PACLA (Photographic Arts Council Los Angeles) | branding: creative direction + design + web development
Truman State University | creative direction + design
Brooke Burke Body | branding + creative direction + art direction + design
Brooke Burke Body | branding + creative direction + art direction + design
Zenify | creative direction + design + illustration + press supervison
Zenify | creative direction + design + illustration + press supervison
Green Door West | creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
Green Door West | creative direction + art direction + design + illustration
Joseph Gilbert Design | Logobook | branding + creative direction + design + illustration

Storyteller. Creative. Enthusiast.



Joseph Gilbert is a visual communicator and image-maker in Los Angeles, California. As a creative director, art director, designer and illustrator, his diverse range of experience and projects have received numerous awards for design excellence.


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